Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I feel good in my skin was the words of a very successful pastor that I recently heard speak at a conference. By this statement I was challenged to examine my "skin", that is to examine where I am at with God.

Physically we may:

  • Exercise to feel better about the skin that we are in
  • Go to the beach and get a tan
  • Or decide we would like to have a "tattoo" or have a "body piercing" to feel better about the skin that we are in.
The fact is that we all of us are constantly searching for ways to feel better about ourselves.

But the real question is spiritually. Do you feel good about your relationship with Christ? Do you feel a sense of satisfaction with where God has you? In the Bible, an Apostle by the name of Paul speaks about being part of one body but having different gifts, talents, etc. All of us have a place in that body. Have you found your place? I encourage you to find out where God wants you.

There is nothing better than knowing that you are doing what God has called you to do. This is not meant to be a boastful statement, but I do feel good in my skin. I know what it is to not be in the center of God's will, and I know the sense of satisfaction to walk in His will. At the moment, "I feel good in my skin."

Tribute to a Man of Faith

"You are over exposing yourself" was the words of John W. Swails, which went to be with the Lord this past Saturday evening. According to one of the minister's that did the eulogy of this "hero of faith" he once stated that if you preached more than 30 or 35 minutes "you are over exposing yourself." And then he goes on to say "cut your sermon in 1/2 if you are preaching more than 30 minutes." (This is probably a lesson that a lot of us preachers could learn.)

Another quote that this hero of faith stated was "the devil is in the condemning business and he has helpers, but God is not in the condemning business." John W. Swails was a great man of faith and a bible scholar. I believe that God strategically places us around people that can help us in our walk with God, and I am thankful to know this man of faith.

Paul states in II Timothy 4:5 & 6 (New Century Version) says, My life is being given as an offering to God, and the time has come for me to leave this life. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." I believe that describes John W. Swails and others that allow God to use them to help reach others for Christ.

In my life time, if I can make half the impact that this man made on the life's of others, then I will be most grateful to the God that I serve.

To read more about John W. Swails click on the following link: