Saturday, March 31, 2018

I Love to Tell the Story

One of my friends once stated that he used to have a pretty good memory but was now to the point that he could hide his own Easter eggs. Memory is a funny thing. Some things seem to be imprinted on our mind while other things we forget immediately.

Saturday, the day after the crucifixion of Christ and the day before his Resurrection many memories from this past week is imprinted on the minds of those that witnessed the "mistreatment" of Christ.

The Woman -  "And many woman who had come from Galilee with Jesus to care for him were watching from a distance (Matthew 27:55) NLT."
I am confident that these woman on Saturday morning was still thinking about the events of the previous day, and probably weeping from what they had seen and heard.

The Pharisees - "The next day, on the Sabbath, the leading priests and Pharisees went to see Pilate. They told him, 'Sir, we remember what that deceiver once said while he was still alive: After  three days I will rise from the dead'" (Matthew 27:62,63 NLT).
The words of Jesus was on the minds of the Pharisees.  On the next day they were encouraging Pilate to seal the tomb until the third day. They were fearful that someone would come and steal the body of Jesus and pretend that He had risen. Pilate not only instructed them to seal the tomb but also to post guards so that this could not happen. However, it didn't work! "No grave could hold Him down!"

The Disciples - "That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders" (John 20:19 NLT).
It is very possible that the disciples of Christ had spent much of the weekend, including Saturday, together. I am confident that their conversations included the teachings of Jesus and the events of the last few days. Many things had been imprinted on the minds of those that had followed Him.

But the story does not stop here! The crucifixion of  Christ has happened but the story continues. Tomorrow we will celebrate a risen Savior! He is alive and He lives forever more! 

Because of Sunday we have a story to tell. A story of His saving grace! I love to tell the Easter story! And it includes the memories of yesterday but it also includes the blessing of tomorrow.

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Scripture for today:  Matthew 27:62-66; Luke 23:56

Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday

Acts 3:25, 26 NLT

“And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it.  He gave it to them and said, ‘Each of you drink from it, (28) for this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people.  It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.”

Several years ago I preached a series of sermons about the formal trials of Jesus.  What amazed me about the trials is how that in a twelve hour time frame five or six different times Jesus' identity, integrity, and authority were all questioned, all in a formal trial setting.  Annas, Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin Counsel, Pilate, Herod, and back to Pilate all played a role in questioning Jesus.  Then Jesus was led to a place call Calvary. 

I wonder what bothered Jesus the most in the last 24 hours, before his crucifixion. 

  • Was it when they tied and led him to Pilate, the governor? 
  • Was it when he heard that Judas had hanged himself? 
  • Was it the cry of the people to "crucify him, crucify him"
  • Was it the beating with whips? 
  • Was it the crowning with a crown of thorns?
  • Was it when the people bowed before Jesus and made fun of him, saying, "Hail, King, of the Jews!"?
  • Was it when some spit on him? 
  • Was it when some of the soldiers "cast lots" for his clothing? 
  • Was it the insults from the people that walked by and said, "You said you could destroy the Temple and build it again in three days. So save yourself! Come down from that cross if you are really the Son of God!"?
  • Or was it the nails being driven through the hands and feet of Jesus that hurt Him the most?

Unlike many of us, Jesus did not dwell on His hurts.  Nowhere in scripture do I hear Jesus saying, "What hurt me the most is..."  What Jesus did think about when on the cross was what came out of his mouth, "It is finished!" The battle has been won and the victory is ours. Jesus was willing to pay the supreme sacrifice that we might have forgiveness of sin. 
Without "Good Friday" there would be no "Resurrection Sunday!" 
On this day we commemorate the sacrifice that was paid for our sins, that we might have life and have it abundantly. I look forward to Sunday, where we can celebrate His resurrection. For "He is not here, He is risen!" 

Have a great Easter weekend!

Scriptures to read today:  Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 22:66-23:56; John 18:29-19-37

Friday, March 23, 2018


How many times have you worked on a problem only to realize the problem you attempted to solve, was not the problem at all? How many times, after working on the problem, someone commented, "But that's not really the problem?" 

Or we worked on a problem, solved a problem, and then realized that it really wasn't OUR problem? 

Maybe we worked on a problem and realized there really wasn't a problem at all. The old adage says, "If it is not broke, don't fix it!"

I must admit I'm guilty to probably all three of the above, at some time in my life. It leaves you feeling rather foolish in attempting to solve the wrong problem when the real problem goes unaddressed. We often attempt to solve the wrong problem because we don't understand the problem at all!

Here are a few suggestions in problem solving:

  1. Focus on the real problem, not always the first problem. Sometimes we need to list the problems in front of us, to recognize the REAL problem.
  2. Understand the problem. Get to the ROOT of the problem. Bandages are made to stop the bleeding but not normally designed to bring healing to the wound. Get to the root of the problem before attempting to solve the problem. You may need to ask the question, "What are some of the other challenges we are facing with this problem?"
  3. Don't take responsibility of everyones' problems. As a leader, I know that we have a responsibility to "help" others find the solution to some of their problems. But if they are not working on their problem... I need to ask the question, "Is this really MY problem?"   
Early in life I learn that I can't solve all the world's problems, worrying doesn't help, and others need to take "ownership" to their problem(s). But when I identify the right problem and find the root to the problem, then I can become an effective problem solver. Everyone has problems, it is how you deal with problems that will determine the outcome of the problem.

Today's Prayer: Lord, give me wisdom to identify the right problem, the root of the problem and the solution to the problem. Help me not to spend my time nor energy focusing on the wrong problems in life.
"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trails, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation" (Romans 5:3,4 NLT).
Have a great Friday! 

Tim Lamb

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Pastor's Wife

March, (by many) is recognized as "Pastors' Wives Appreciation Month." Serving as a pastor's wife is a unique opportunity that God has given many of us. If you are a wife of a pastor I want to remind you of the following:
  • You are valued for who you are as a person.
  • Your involvement in the ministry is equally important. 
  • God has a plan and a purpose for your life.
  • You are on a God-given mission.
If you are a minister's wife, here's a poem just for you...  
        She's A Godly woman, she has such grace
Always a warm greeting, a smile on her face. 
She's always encouraging, she knows her place. 
She is - The Pastor's Wife.

She has to always look just right 
Always on time, though the schedule's tight. 
From early morning, 'til late at night 
Always - The Pastor's Wife

She's such a Lady, everyone's friend 
She serves with love from deep within. 
All the rifts she tries to mend 
Oh she's - The Pastor's Wife

She carries your burdens, she prays for you 
Sometimes she cries the whole night through. 
But you won't know when she's feeling blue, 
'Cause she's - The Pastor's Wife

At church as she starts to walk up the aisle, 
So many need to stop and talk for awhile. 
Though she is tired, she has her own trials 
She's patient, she's - The Pastor's Wife

Her life, her time, is not her own 
There's always a need, they go on and on 
With a knock at the door, or a ringing phone. 
That's the life of - The Pastor's Wife

Her husband she shares with a whole congregation 
She humbly accepts his intense dedication. 
In loneliness she kneels to see consolation 
God Bless - The Pastor's Wife

She will someday reach the end of this race 
As she meets her Master face to face 
Surely our God has a Special Place 
In Heaven for - The Pastor's Wife!
Judy Dycus, March 10, 1992

Thank you for your faithfulness in serving in this unique roll of ministry. Remember, you are loved and appreciated by many whom you serve!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Learning to Travel Lightly

Recently I traveled to Israel and one of the challenges in traveling away from home for two weeks was packing. As my wife and I would pack, and repack (and repack) we kept telling ourselves, "we have to pack ONLY what is needed." Finally, we felt we had succeeded in packing only the necessities for our travel.

Jesus told the disciples on more then one occasion "travel lightly". Maybe not necessarily in those words but in these words,
"'Take nothing for your journey,' he instructed them. 'Don't take a walking stick, traveler's bag, food, money, or even a change of clothes'" (Luke 9:3 NLT).
Now this is traveling lightly! I must be honest. I am glad that Jesus does not require of me to travel quite this light. It wasn't that Jesus wanted the disciples to do without. Just the contrary! Jesus knew that where they were going, that their needs would be supplied. There wasn't any need to carry around any extra baggage.

On this journey of life I desire to travel lightly. No need in carrying extra baggage! So as I check my suitcase (my heart) I want to make sure that I am not carrying around unnecessary baggage. What are the items that I need to toss? What is it that has become a burden and not a blessing?
"God, help me to unpack the unnecessary things of life and only pack the necessary things needed for the journey."
What excess baggage are you carrying around? Are there things in your life that you can do without? What is God speaking to you in this?
"Just because you have baggage doesn't mean you have to lug it around." Richie Norton