Friday, March 9, 2018

Learning to Travel Lightly

Recently I traveled to Israel and one of the challenges in traveling away from home for two weeks was packing. As my wife and I would pack, and repack (and repack) we kept telling ourselves, "we have to pack ONLY what is needed." Finally, we felt we had succeeded in packing only the necessities for our travel.

Jesus told the disciples on more then one occasion "travel lightly". Maybe not necessarily in those words but in these words,
"'Take nothing for your journey,' he instructed them. 'Don't take a walking stick, traveler's bag, food, money, or even a change of clothes'" (Luke 9:3 NLT).
Now this is traveling lightly! I must be honest. I am glad that Jesus does not require of me to travel quite this light. It wasn't that Jesus wanted the disciples to do without. Just the contrary! Jesus knew that where they were going, that their needs would be supplied. There wasn't any need to carry around any extra baggage.

On this journey of life I desire to travel lightly. No need in carrying extra baggage! So as I check my suitcase (my heart) I want to make sure that I am not carrying around unnecessary baggage. What are the items that I need to toss? What is it that has become a burden and not a blessing?
"God, help me to unpack the unnecessary things of life and only pack the necessary things needed for the journey."
What excess baggage are you carrying around? Are there things in your life that you can do without? What is God speaking to you in this?
"Just because you have baggage doesn't mean you have to lug it around." Richie Norton

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