Most policies simply ask you to have the receipt and that the merchandise (if clothing) is not worn more than 5 times (JK). Also some retailers limit the number of exchanges you can make without a receipt in a single year, and by Christmas time you have exceeded your limit of exchanges.
This morning I begin to thank about God's Exchange Policy. God has been exchanging things for folks since "In the beginning..." God exchanged darkness for light and one of Adam's ribs for a woman. But God wasn't the only one making exchanges. Adam exchanged life in the Garden of Eden for a life full of trouble, in which we all reaped from this exchange.
In the New Testament Jesus exchanged heaven for a crib, a crib for a cross, and a cross for a crown. The Apostle Paul also tells us that one day we too can exchange things that are temporal for things that are eternal.
The key is to make sure we make the right exchange. We can exchange hate for love, doubt for faith, and despair for hope. With Christ we can exchange loneliness for comfort, turmoil for peace, and sadness for joy.
Tony Dungy in his devotional writes, "Never exchange what is eternal for what is temporary." In a world of exchanges, make sure to exchange things that are temporal for things that are eternal.
Jesus said, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
(Mark 8:36,37)
(Mark 8:36,37)