When you understand that everything you have is on loan, you are better prepared to release it when the owner (God) wants it back. (Charles Swindoll)
One of the more inspiring verses in the bible this week for me as been in Job 1:20-22. All of us know the story of Job and sometimes we hear folks say,
"I feel like Job." But how did Job really feel?
When Job received the news that he had lost his property, his seven sons, and three daughters
"Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped." The bible doesn't say how long he sat there after hearing the sad news but the point is
"Job arose and worshiped God." In this verse there are many verbs that described vividly how Job worshiped God. And the writer also states that in all of this that Job did not sin nor blame God.
Job realized what he had, even his children were on loan from God and that he was not sole owner of any of these things. Job was not stuck on "stuff". The Psalmist writes,
"The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein." Everything belongs to Him! Therefore Job was better prepared to release these things back to God.
It is true that Job grieved over his lost but he knew that God was a sovereign God that always knows best.
My prayer today: Lord, help me to always know that what I have belong to you, and that it is just out on loan!