Saturday, July 10, 2010

Several weeks ago, Bro. Tim asked me to consider posting an occasional guest blog. I didn’t think that I could adequately speak to a Lamb’s journey but agreed to try. I pray that he will soon be at full speed and again filling these pages with his own words. Bill Davis

I remember growing up in a small church in Empire; visiting speakers had to stay with people in the church. There was no Hampton or Holiday Inn Express and if there had been the church couldn’t afford to pay for it. Since it was only my mother and me in our home, often we’d have guests.
A missionary spent a few days with us when I was about five, or so. She was home on furlough from somewhere in Asia; China or maybe Hong Kong. She looked frail and undernourished to me. I overheard her tell my mother that the thing she had missed from home while she was on the mission field was whole milk. She was only able to get powdered milk. I was so sad to hear her say that when she got home, she couldn’t drink it because it was too rich for her body to deal with.
I asked her why she didn’t stay home long enough to get herself stronger so that she could again enjoy drinking milk. I’ll never forget her answer. She said, “My body is not my own, I was bought with a price.” She went on to say that she must take care of some necessary business and then go back to the mission field that God had called her to.
Even at that young age, at some level, I understood what she meant. Those words have stuck with me for many years and I understand them better now that I did then. God had clearly shown her what her calling was for that season of her life. What a blessing! Many times we don’t really know what we should be doing for the kingdom of God. Are we impatient? Are we not listening? Is our mission not to our liking, requiring more humility that we can muster?
Clara H. Scott took the words from Psalms 119:18 and said this more clearly than I can when she wrote:
Open my eyes, that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready my God, Thy will to see,
Open my eyes, illumine me,
Spirit divine!

(Suffering with a broke arm and a cast on, I appreciate Bill Davis being a guest writer for me this week. He is a greater writer that you would enjoy reading his blog at Tim Lamb

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