Monday, July 7, 2014

One Preacher’s Perspective

(Written by Guest Writer, William Strickland - Editor of the Gospel Messenger)

Got a few minutes? Let me share some random thoughts with you. Like many ministers, I really enjoy the opportunity to guest preach in any size church without regard to race, culture, or denominational affiliation (as long as I’m allowed to preach what I feel like I should). One thing I accomplish is temporarily lightening the load of the pastor during the week prior to that Sunday (less sermon prep). A meal with the host pastor and spouse or some of the staff if pastor was away, is usually a part of the experience as well. I try to be as encouraging as possible in all my interactions. And my personal ministry experiences continue to challenge my perspective and force me to grow. Maybe you already know these, but I feel the need to share anyway.

1) The majority of churches are not mega-church sized and that's okay. Approximately 80% will have 100 or less in attendance for their Sunday morning service. Over half of the visits I make are to congregations that have either leveled off or are in decline. It's not always the fault of the pastor, though they must lead the solutions. And I don’t believe there is a set pattern to get every congregation back on track to growth. But there are some principles that are applicable everywhere and the changes needed must be led by the key influencers of the congregation. With a holy unrest I have actually prayed more than once for The Lord to move me, if I needed to leave in order for growth to begin again. It sounds counterintuitive but it leads me to number two.

2) The overwhelming majority of pastors (and staff members) are bi-vocational and could really just use a break. Seriously, most are more tired than they realize. The life of a bi-vocational minister leaves little room for rest or unaccounted for time. Therefore, sermons will not usually be as smooth and polished as your favorite TV preacher. There's no staff to delegate other tasks to and there’s not enough time available in the week.

3) So, please stop comparing your pastor to every other minister. Your pastor is most likely doing the best he can. He is not your former pastor and he does not preach like your favorite evangelist. Please let each of God's servants have the freedom of realizing their own potential with their particular skill set and gift mix. Appreciate them for Whose they are and for who they are. One of the best ways to appreciate your pastor is to help ensure some regular time off. A week or two of with pay and away from the church every quarter of the year will do wonders for the servant of God.

4) Most churches do not have professional quality music and that's okay. They don't have to. Leading God's people in worship isn't supposed to be a performance for spectators to observe. But on the same subject, everyone involved in your worship service needs to have a heart after God in pursuit of excellence. Regardless of how gifted they are, if they lack evidence of growing in Christ-like maturity and refuse accountability, they should not be participating in worship leadership. 

5) Yes, money really is a big deal. Jesus taught fiscal principles too often for me to tell you otherwise. While church leadership should not have to nag congregations about the issue, please understand that it is vital for you to do your part. And that's all you have to do; your part. Regardless of what size it is, your tithes and offerings are more about your heart to worship. And it keeps the lights on, takes care of the pastor, guest speakers, and provides for missions across the street and across the sea. Seriously, money is a spiritual issue and you're going to have a hard time convincing God otherwise. Personal compliance to your local church and organization’s financial plan will bring great blessing. It takes real money to do real ministry!

6) When I stop to consider my own organization, one thing stands out as it pertains to ministers: Approximately 85% of our pastors and ordained ministry leaders are bi-vocational. Therefore only about 15% of them ARE fully funded in the ministry without having to be employed outside of the ministry or be dependent upon retirement funds. I use my terms because I don't like the terms part-time or full-time when it comes to committed servants of our Master. During my years of bi-vocational ministry, I did my best to be a full-time follower, servant, and minister of Christ (some days, I blew it). My calling served as an excuse to strive for excellence as an employee of the company and as a witness for the Gospel with integrity. Every ounce of training and expertise gained in secular employment made me a better minister. And likewise, my study of the Scriptures, experience, and training in the ministry made me a better employee for the company. So, perhaps two are better than one. It is my humble opinion that a minister should be content and consider it a privilege to serve God in a bi-vocational manner, until and unless He specifically transitions you into a fully funded ministry situation. And within American Christianity, fully funded positions are not plentiful.

7) It brings a little sorrow to my heart when a church does not make time for prayer in worship services. We expect the preacher to bring us a fresh sermon message each week and then we find an exit when it comes time for a prayerful response. None of us are too busy or so holy that a few extra minutes in prayer aren't beneficial. Prayer changes us, works miracles, moves mountains, and affects eternity – so lunch can wait. And if others are in the altars and you are not, let's stay focused on heavenly things and not begin those loud conversations. And if you must leave before the end of service, please do so quietly. It could be described as hypocritical for Pentecostals to proclaim such belief in the power of God and say we desire a great spiritual awakening, and then our actions say we are in too big of a hurry for prayer.

This is simply one preacher’s perspective. I welcome your comments and I’d be glad to hear your perspective. And as a reasonable adult, I'd be glad to discuss your disagreements.  
                                                   Guest Writer - William Strickland

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