Saturday, the day after the crucifixion of Christ and the day before his Resurrection many memories from this past week is imprinted on the minds of those that witnessed the "mistreatment" of Christ.
The Woman - "And many woman who had come from Galilee with Jesus to care for him were watching from a distance (Matthew 27:55) NLT."
I am confident that these woman on Saturday morning was still thinking about the events of the previous day, and probably weeping from what they had seen and heard.
The Pharisees - "The next day, on the Sabbath, the leading priests and Pharisees went to see Pilate. They told him, 'Sir, we remember what that deceiver once said while he was still alive: After three days I will rise from the dead'" (Matthew 27:62,63 NLT).
The words of Jesus was on the minds of the Pharisees. On the next day they were encouraging Pilate to seal the tomb until the third day. They were fearful that someone would come and steal the body of Jesus and pretend that He had risen. Pilate not only instructed them to seal the tomb but also to post guards so that this could not happen. However, it didn't work! "No grave could hold Him down!"
The Disciples - "That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders" (John 20:19 NLT).
It is very possible that the disciples of Christ had spent much of the weekend, including Saturday, together. I am confident that their conversations included the teachings of Jesus and the events of the last few days. Many things had been imprinted on the minds of those that had followed Him.
But the story does not stop here! The crucifixion of Christ has happened but the story continues. Tomorrow we will celebrate a risen Savior! He is alive and He lives forever more!
Because of Sunday we have a story to tell. A story of His saving grace! I love to tell the Easter story! And it includes the memories of yesterday but it also includes the blessing of tomorrow.
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Scripture for today: Matthew 27:62-66; Luke 23:56